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This page has a collection of common troubleshooting steps when operators encounter errors while building and running Frankendancer. If these do not address the problem, send a message in the #firedancer-operators channel on the Solana Tech Discord or file an issue on GitHub.


General Recommendations

  • It is always a good idea to retry building everything again from scratch. Do a fresh clone of the repository, following the instructions in the Getting Started guide. Remember to check if you're using a supported compiler and to run ./!

  • If you're updating an existing repository clone, be sure to update the solana submodule after pulling the latest changes. For example:

~/firedancer $ git fetch
~/firedancer $ git checkout v0.1
~/firedancer $ git submodule update

Specific Errors

  • Missing cargo binary from rust toolchain
error: the 'cargo' binary, normally provided by the 'cargo' component, is not applicable to the '1.75.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu' toolchain
+ exec cargo +1.75.0 build --profile=release-with-debug --lib -p agave-validator
error: the 'cargo' binary, normally provided by the 'cargo' component, is not applicable to the '1.75.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu' toolchain
make: *** [src/app/fdctl/ cargo-validator] Error 1

This typically happens due to a race condition between trying to install the correct version of the rust toolchain and using it. Separately re-installing the toolchain fixes it (replace 1.75.0 with the appropriate version):

rustup toolchain uninstall 1.75.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
rustup toolchain install 1.75.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu


General Recommendations

  • If there are errors during fdctl configure init all --config ~/config.toml, consider running fdctl configure fini all --config ~/config.toml to remove all existing configuration and try the init command again. You can also re-run a specific configure stage, for example, fdctl configure init workspace --config ~/config.toml.

  • Make sure the config.toml specified during this command is the same as the one specified with the run command. Also make sure that the content is valid TOML.

  • Read the output of the command carefully, fdctl often prints out a helpful message that contains suggestions on how to resolve some errors. Be sure to try them out!


General Recommendations

  • Make sure the ~/config.toml being used is the same in the configure and run commands.