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Agave CLI

Because Frankendancer runs the Agave validator, it can be monitored with the standard Agave command line tools. First make sure you have buil the solana CLI binary:

$ make solana
    Finished release-with-debug [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.44s

Similar to fdctl, the compiled binary will be placed in ./build/native/gcc/bin by default.


Many commands require RPC to be enabled on the validator, see the configuring guide for more information.

gossip: check if the validator has joined gossip

$ solana -ut gossip
IP Address      | Identity                                     | Gossip | TPU   | RPC Address           | Version    | Feature Set
----------------+----------------------------------------------+--------+-------+-----------------------+------------+----------------  | 2CY8VXH2jummjSmwcusSj2jGMiaHE4eo7WQ9LScxykvt | 8001   | 9001  |   | 0.106.11814| 4215500110

catchup: check if the validator is caught up

$ solana -ut catchup --our-localhost
 1 slot(s) behind (us:123 them:124)

validators: ensure the validator is voting

$ solana -ut validators
   Identity                                      Vote Account                            Commission  Last Vote        Root Slot     Skip Rate  Credits  Version            Active Stake
2CY8VXH2jummjSmwcusSj2jGMiaHE4eo7WQ9LScxykvt  uhiGpdNqcqPGzYuRfVxjiHQWKKJPwKRSaPiXXxwSy9K   100%  279227304 ( -1)  279227273 ( -1)   0.00%    54287  0.106.11814     70100.022292880 SOL (0.03%)

block-production: ensure the validator is producing blocks

$ solana -ut block-production
  Identity                                         Leader Slots  Blocks Produced    Skipped Slots        Skip Rate
  2CY8VXH2jummjSmwcusSj2jGMiaHE4eo7WQ9LScxykvt               16               16                0            0.00%


You can also use the agave-validator --ledger <PATH> monitor command with Frankendancer. For that, you need to build the agave-validator binary from the agave repository.


Firedancer exposes a large set of prometheus compatible metrics at a HTTP endpoint, by default on port 7999 but this is configurable in the TOML file.

$ curl http://localhost:7999/metrics
# HELP tile_pid The process ID of the tile.
# TYPE tile_pid gauge
tile_pid{kind="net",kind_id="0"} 1108973
tile_pid{kind="quic",kind_id="0"} 1108975
tile_pid{kind="verify",kind_id="0"} 1108978

See the metrics API documentation for more information on the available data.

Live monitoring

Firedancer ships with a monitoring tool included in fdctl, which you can run on the same host as the running validator to view tile and other performance information.

$ fdctl monitor --config ~/config.toml
snapshot for 2024-06-25 17:32:25.795577630 GMT+00
    tile |     pid |      stale | heart |        sig | in backp |           backp cnt |  % hkeep |  % backp |   % wait |  % ovrnp |  % ovrnr |  % filt1 |  % filt2 | % finish
     net | 1108973 |          - |     - |  run( run) |   -(  -) |          0(     +0) |   40.118 |    0.000 |   59.882 |    0.000 |    0.000 |    0.000 |    0.000 |    0.000
    quic | 1108975 |          - |     - |  run( run) |   -(  -) |          0(     +0) |    0.325 |    0.000 |   99.675 |    0.000 |    0.000 |    0.000 |    0.000 |    0.000
  verify | 1108978 |          - |     - |  run( run) |   -(  -) |          0(     +0) |    0.496 |    0.000 |   99.504 |    0.000 |    0.000 |    0.000 |    0.000 |    0.000